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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză Before you criticize somebody
Before you criticize somebody you should put the shoes of this person on
And go along the road this person went
And stumble over every stone that laid on the road
And feel the pain that person felt
And taste his tears
And only after you have done this
You have the right to tell him
what he has done right and what wrong

Limba sursă
Engleză There are many women with whom you can sleep, but...
There are many women with whom you can sleep, but there are only few with whom you want to wake up. there are many women with whom you can live together but not love. Don't search for someone you can live with but for someone without whom you can't live. To love someone for pretty appearance is the same as to love a candy for its pretty wrapper. An invisible thread connects people who are destined to be together even if they live in different countries, have different religions or different color of skin. This thread can stretch or get tangled but it will never tear.